Hey chat GPT read PDF and analyze my earnings and which niche I should focus on to earn income on medium!

3 min readJun 16, 2024

Yep, that was the cue I gave to the chat GPT 4, I can't believe it gave me a well-structured analysis, analyzing data is very interesting, and is great to have a friend like chat GPT, I like the upgraded version and it assists me better I think that because it answers in detail and explain anything I am unsure about.

For example look at the chart it created, after I uploaded a PDF file I provided.

…analysis of your Medium writing performance, focusing on views, reads, and earnings. The graph above shows the number of views each story has received, sorted from highest to lowest. Here are some key insights:

1. **Popular Topics**:
— The story “User experience is improved via micro-animations/int…” is the most viewed, with 1500 views.
— “Can I stop thinking about someone I am obsessed about?” has the highest earnings ($2.11) and a significant number of reads (153).

2. **Consistent Performance**:
— Stories related to technical and creative fields like “Motion graphics” and “Memorization is based on perception” also perform well in terms of views and reads.

