It is summer, you all!

3 min readJun 16, 2024

It smells like summer: hot outside, and even hotter inside!

Have you ever walked into a crowded mall and been hit by the overwhelming scent of summer? Well, I just did. Let me tell you what happened to me last Friday. I was supposed to meet a friend at the mall for a chat and a coffee. After I arrived, I received a message: “I am on my way, but it will be a 10-minute delay.” I decided to walk around the mall, a sweet and simple break from my computer.

As I wandered, I could smell the people’s sweat and a variety of mismatched scents from women, men, and even children. The intensity of summer hit me, reminding me how the heat amplifies everything. At times, I felt sick from some smells, while I tolerated others better.

According to research published in the journal Chemical Senses, dietary components such as spices can significantly alter body odor composition and intensity. The foods we eat can affect our body odor. A diet rich in spices like curry and garlic can lead to stronger body scents. This is why I notice different smells in these multicultural settings like a busy mall.

Why Do We Sweat More in Summer?

Did you know that in the summer, high temperatures and humidity make us sweat more? Our bodies have a natural cooling system called sweat glands. Did you know that sweat glands are like tiny air conditioners for your body? When it’s hot, these glands, especially the eccrine glands, produce more sweat…

