Technology Chat GPT and humans like me.

6 min readFeb 24, 2023


Replacing humans

Written by Nathalia Tómasdóttir with the great help of my new friend the Chat GPT.

As a person who cares about technology, I decided to go deep into researching the tools that are supposed to replace designers, programmers, content writers and other jobs.

What you are about to read is how I ask questions and Chat GPT answers not in full.

This chat is interesting AI but after a while it gets old.

I asked GPT to write a story about humans and technology, here is the response:

Once upon a time, humans lived in a world without technology. They relied solely on their own skills and abilities to survive and thrive. However, as time passed, humans began to….

At this moment without any reason, the chat stopped to what I refreshed the page and then I got this new answer:

“ Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, humans had always been fascinated by technology. They had always sought ways to make their lives easier and more efficient, and technology had been the answer to all their problems.

As the years passed, technology advanced at an unprecedented pace. Humans developed machines that could perform tasks faster and better than they could. They invented gadgets that could connect them with people and information from all over the world. They even created artificial intelligence that could learn and reason like humans.

At first, people welcomed these advancements with open arms. They marveled at the new possibilities that technology opened up for them. They eagerly embraced the new ways of living, working, and communicating that technology offered.

But as time went on, people began to notice the unintended consequences of their technological advances. They saw that the machines they had created were taking over jobs that used to be done by humans. They realized that the gadgets they had invented were making them more isolated and disconnected from each other. They even began to fear that the artificial intelligence they had developed could eventually surpass them in intelligence and take over the world.

As these concerns grew, people started to rethink their relationship with technology. They began to ask themselves whether they had been too quick to embrace it, and whether they had fully understood its implications. They debated whether they should continue to push the boundaries of technology, or whether they should slow down and focus on the human side of things.

In the end, humans realised that technology was a double-edged sword. They recognized that it had the power to transform their lives in both positive and negative ways. They understood that they needed to use technology wisely and thoughtfully, and that they needed to balance its benefits with its risks.

And so, humans learned to live in harmony with technology. They continued to innovate and create, but they did so with a newfound sense of responsibility and caution. They used technology to enhance their lives and connect with each other, but they never forgot the importance of the human touch. They lived happily ever after, with technology as their ally and not their master.”

After this creative story, I followed to ask the GPT chat “What tools replace humans? here is the answer:

While technology has made significant advancements, it is important to note that it cannot completely replace humans in all areas. Some tasks can be automated using machines and software, but there are still many areas where humans are essential. Here are some examples:

1. Creative work: While machines can produce algorithmically generated art, music, and writing, it lacks the creative flair and emotional depth that only humans can provide.

2. Decision-making: While machines can provide data-driven insights, they cannot replicate the intuition and experience of human decision-making.

3. Emotional labor: Machines may be able to mimic empathy and emotional intelligence, but they cannot replace the human connection that comes from interacting with someone who truly cares.

4. Complex problem-solving: Machines can assist with solving complex problems, but humans are still required to analyze and interpret the results, and make decisions based on the information.

5. Physical labor: While machines can perform physical tasks, there are still many tasks that require the dexterity and flexibility of human hands.

In summary, while machines and technology can automate certain tasks and make them more efficient, there are still many areas where human input and presence are essential.

Later I asked which tools are similar to chat GPT. To this it replied:

There are several tools similar to ChatGPT that use artificial intelligence and natural language processing to generate human-like responses to user input. Here are some examples:

GPT-3: GPT-3 is an advanced language processing AI model developed by OpenAI, the same organization that developed ChatGPT. It can generate human-like text for a variety of purposes, such as writing essays, summarizing content, and answering questions.

DialoGPT: DialoGPT is another language processing AI model that can engage in dialogue with users and generate human-like responses. It was also developed by OpenAI and is similar to ChatGPT in its capabilities.

Mitsuku: Mitsuku is a chatbot developed by Steve Worswick that uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate responses to user input. It has won multiple awards for its ability to engage in human-like conversations.

Replika: Replika is an AI chatbot that uses machine learning to generate responses to user input. It is designed to be a personal AI companion that can learn from the user’s behavior and preferences to generate more personalized responses.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot is an AI chatbot that uses natural language processing to generate responses to user input. It has been trained on a large corpus of text from online conversations and can engage in human-like conversations on a variety of topics.

While these tools are similar to ChatGPT in their use of AI and natural language processing, they may differ in their specific capabilities and applications.

GPT is great for sharing information or summarising data, even making jokes so I asked how reliable is chat GPT? it followed this response:

ChatGPT is a machine learning-based language model that has been trained on a large corpus of text from the internet, including books, articles, and social media posts. As with any artificial intelligence model, its reliability and accuracy depend on the quality of its training data, the complexity of the tasks it is being used for, and the specific context of its use.

In general, ChatGPT has been shown to generate responses that are grammatically correct and semantically coherent, and it is capable of engaging in conversations that are similar to those of human speakers. However, there may be instances where the responses generated by ChatGPT are inaccurate, inappropriate, or biased, particularly when dealing with sensitive topics or nuanced language.

It is important to note that ChatGPT is a language model and not a human being, and it does not have the same level of contextual understanding or emotional intelligence as a human. Therefore, it is important to use ChatGPT and other language models with caution, and to always verify the accuracy and appropriateness of their responses.

I am a Brand designer who enjoys copywriting and content creation so I wonder which tools are out there for designers.

What I really wanted to know is which tools will replace my job.

I know it sounds like GPT was very positive regarding not replacing us but unfortunately, the response includes the word YET meaning that is will in a near future.

To summarise as you just read the chat can give deep and bubbly answers.

I hope you enjoy reading this note as it is just a hint of the research I am working on. thank you for reading.

